
The Light

  First of many blog entries for 2021 It's time. I have been pretty much blogging on social media, to my friends dismay. I do tend to get long winded and my blogging is intended for those who want to read! Be ye blessed. Reworked, rewritten.. A woman suddenly stopped burning brightly.  She was overrun with chores, things to do and the cares of the world. She felt embarrassed and wasn’t quite sure what to do.  She isolated. She sat alone in her fears. Take a seat in front of a roaring fire.  One you know well.  One you have enjoyed, belonged to, stoked and was alive within. Now, stare at the dancing flames. Pick up the fire tongs, and poke the burning logs. Pick up a small ember, which has fallen off into the ashes. Place it off to the side of the hearth, away from the flames. Sit back, watch the fire. The ember’s flame begins to diminish, until it loses it's light completely. Its glow is gone, and within minutes it had grown cold. Please, pick up...

My Health, The Killing of a Criminal, My God

It's time to start blogging, singing and playing again. Lionhearts is moving and grooving and my health just loves to create. My time with God is enhanced 100 fold in creation/reflection mode. Ok. I have two things that I would like to write about today. It all came to me as I hiked the hills of the south this past weekend. So, today, we get a two for one. MY HEALTH What the heck is going on? I know, this has been one hell of a journey to follow.  I KNOW because I have lived this madness. This past summer my health took another crazy turn.  Doctors and test results were LOUDLY telling me I was in “Failure to Thrive” mode, due to malnutrition. I took great offense to thier diagnosis. My friends worried.  It looked like stress, sometimes anger, often brain fog and the inability to concentrate and often I couldn't even drive a car.  It was reminiscent of the hell I went through, in the beginning of my bad health journey.  The hell that rendered me bedridden for man...

2020 Luccketta

  Life looks different this year for certain. My youngest (16,) of 7, is a sophomore in HS. He chose homeschooling before the quarantine. His father was against it because Luccketta was in a wonderful school. He was in violin, theater (playing lead parts,) and still a Spartan competitor. He was active with no signs of any problems. Then he opened up to us. Luccketta wanted out because he was in so much pain watching his friends succumb to severe pressures and pain, to the point of suicide. His schoolwork suffered. The minute the schools closed, his grades shot up to straight As. He was still active with his friends, but on his terms of love and tolerance. He wants to be part of the change, for good. I pray God shows him the path. One never knows...We all want that for our children, our youth, our community. We are the odd ones. We are not bogged down by the constraints of our imposed governmental pressure. We adhere to the laws, but we live life to it's fullest the best th...
  The only opinion I will offer about current events.  JULY 2020 These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. He that promotes peace, shall enter warfare to test all theories.   He that professes unity will see the painful lack of it, in isolation.  He who demands kindness in others will see a fire of rage surface,  alienating others, killing all kindess. We shall overcome. The trials and obstacles were Christ's,  Mother Teresa's,  Ghandi's, Buddha's,  Martin Luther Kings and Martin Luther King Junior's and so many more. Those of the greatest achievements of peace, went through hell. Those who promote hate and division appear to be in a spiral of consequential circumstances.  They are not.  They are comfortable in making no change, only unrest and disorder. They appear to be knowledgeable about certain aspects of discord, yet nary a one may bring hope or peace. They will flail and flounder and only the very evil will be remembered f...

Lionhearts A place for all people. ALL

Ok, I neeeeeed to take one step forward at a time, to make it through the muck of hatred all around me. I NEED to say one thing and one thing only AND THAT IS THIS WHOLE POST! I am very busy with the reopening of our Non Profit Lionhearts Fitness. A place for all people. ALL If you have read our mission statement, you will see it’s a requirement. All Youth, all abilities, all ages, all states, counties, financial/socioeconomics . When I “Interviewed" our new church, we had a meeting with the pastoral staff . I brought my teens, who already had faced racism in the South. The first question we asked: What do you think of HATE? They looked at me quizzically. I played the word association game. I loudly said ”Homosexual, Native American, Hispanic, Fat, Skinny, Muslim????” They gave me the best answer to date. “We have many members who have problems/issues when they hear those words, and we are working on it, with love and education." BAM In my quest to learn more, ...

Idea to Implementation-A Calling

People often ask me "Why would you move from Monterey CA to Chattanooga TN?" I hear that question, at least once daily. My story is pretty much documented throughout this blog. I haven't blogged in a while because I have been busy creating a non-profit called Lionhearts. Backing up...I was very ill. I was bedridden for many years. During that time I went back to school (Academy of Art University SF,), ran a business (I.E,) raised 7 kids...and did most of it from bed or in a sitting position. I became a research patient at Stanford, a long enough story in itself and became mobile. We had a sprawling beautiful ranch and every dime we spent on living expenses was taking money away from the cause that I believe God called me to. I had an amazing nonprofit called Artists4Change, encouraging all to use their talents to help their community, their world. We raised 10s of thousands of dollars for many different needs. I loved watching artists...