Idea to Implementation-A Calling

People often ask me "Why would you move from Monterey CA to Chattanooga TN?"
I hear that question, at least once daily.
My story is pretty much documented throughout this blog.

I haven't blogged in a while because I have been busy creating a non-profit called Lionhearts.
Backing up...I was very ill.
I was bedridden for many years.
During that time I went back to school (Academy of Art University SF,), ran a business (I.E,) raised 7 kids...and did most of it from bed or in a sitting position.
I became a research patient at Stanford, a long enough story in itself and became mobile.

We had a sprawling beautiful ranch and every dime we spent on living expenses was taking money away from the cause that I believe God called me to.

I had an amazing nonprofit called Artists4Change, encouraging all to use their talents to help their community, their world. We raised 10s of thousands of dollars for many different needs. I loved watching artists helping others. It was some of the most beautiful times of my life.
Fast forward:

I moved my family all the way to TN to further a cause. I truly believe God had called me according to this purpose.
I have stage 4 liver disease. Every day needed to count. Seize the day became my call sign, my mantra, my purpose.

It wasn't long after the HUGE move that I found out that Chattanooga and N. GA take care of their own. No tent cities on every sidewalk. There are more churches per capita than anywhere in the world! These churches were truly serving their community. I have never seen anything like it.

Now, I was confused to my purpose for such a lifeshaking/ life changing move across the country.

We settled in , I became a Spartan :)
My son saw a need for youth fitness and asked me to create something. BOOM-

Fast Forward:
Lionhearts Fitness was created and in one year our organization was receiving awards (One being the GA Best of the Best Non Profit and Place to take your kids.)

We are 100% volunteers with no staffing or fees.

One of the HUGE foundations of Lionhearts Fitness is COMMUNITY SERVICE!
It's the only requirement to be a part of Lionhearts.

No size, shape, ability, geographical location (hence both TN and GA,) age, gender or socioeconomic boundaries exist!

The Coronavirus and Lucckettas/Lionhearts

When the Coronavirus hit us and schools were being threatened to be closed, we opened up our facility to day classes for all. Scrubbing, disinfecting constantly.
We then had the "Stay at Home" orders, and then we immediately started a Zoom Youth Fitness class. Online Camp if you will. Of course, we closed our doors.
The youth were getting much more exercise being stuck at home but the unity and team bonding was needed in this crisis.

My daughter, Squishy, and I started making masks, now headbands, getting supplies to people...Starting databases of resources.

LORD! I see my calling. This is why you brought us here , after all.

We serve our community, we start with our children and we build up!
We face all obstacles together. We help each other climb fences and jump hurdles. We celebrate each victory.

Oh, what a divine calling and purpose!

My mailbox is filled to the brim with supplies to help us further the mission.

The television arrived just to let me say "Do what you can to serve your community, even from home."
Countless homemade masks are being made by countless did that take off..

BTW We still do not charge for anything.

Lionhearts has been given so much. Lucckettas have been blessed so abundantly. We choose to give back.

Purpose, to live.

Self care is imperative! We can not serve with 100% unless we re overflowing. I lose that balance often. I am kayaking, gardening, hiking, making music...whatever I can for self care, to better serve our community.
I can easily list all that I am missing, missing out on...but have been blessed with an illness that says SEIZE the day!!
I could not serve one single person, group, community, or our world without you! Your support, strength, belief in me and even donations (monetary, inkind and gifts.)
Thank you.
We will be ok. We are doing this together. We ARE the solution.

I love you so very much.


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