How do you cope with brutality? Devastation, violation, destruction?

How do you cope with brutality? What about devastation, violation, destruction? 

Feel free to let me know.

Some people never see that side of life, except on the television, and nowadays it is mass produced via social media.
I have seen some ugly things in my life. I have been victimized, much more than I want to discuss here.

Rape, gang-rape, murder, children dying, sisters institutionalized because of victimization, later institutionalized as law breakers..Suicide of many...oh so many. The list of atrocities is truly endless it seems.

 I can not just sit here and write it all out...

I qualify as a victorious warrior! 

I am the only one in my immediate family (of 7) still alive.

My extended family and my lil nuclear family have seen their share of horrendous victimization too.

Where is the hope and strength when the battle continues?

What to do when your children are victims? Perpetrators? Potential Victims?

How do we protect? How do we apply all that keeps us sane?

We do the very next right thing.


I was alerted to more abuse last week. I have been devastated.

My children deserve an active, alert, mindful, present Mama. What the hell do I do?

I did exactly what I know how.

I surrounded myself with friends that know much more than I. I contacted all parties affected. I contacted all authorities. I RAN to a well versed therapist who will walk me through each step.  My husband and children have done so also.

You see, we are only as sick as our secrets. (Of course we keep them within this house. We don't carry signs "Yo, she's on her period..." but we are all aware and dole out chocolate and tissues to make everyone's life easier.)

We will walk through it together. We can not control the evil, oh how I wish we could. We can live within the light. Keep shining the light. Sadly, one thing about living in the light, is that the hidden darkness's in the corners will be exposed. Then we have to clean that destruction up. All we can do is shine more light, and heal, grow, love, forgive.....or, and of this I am certain,  the darkness will overwhelm, overcome and destroy us.

Whether it's a Spiritual, physical, social, environmental, or emotional battle, we can be victorious, in the light.

One tiny step at a time. One step forward, not three backwards. What IS the next right thing to do? I often do not have the answer to that question, but I have a network of amazing people that walk me through.

They know who they are. Only once did I have to send a text that said. It's an emergency. I NEED you now. Every single one, who got that text, got right back to me. We have developed this amazing bond through walking through the darkest spots in our lives, together, for more years than I can count. I couldn't give some of them too much information, but they used their wisdom to get me to the next right step.

Reach out, get help, it's how to make it through. If you can not reach for the light because your face is sooooo smooshed into the muddy darkness, lift your hand just a carried into the light.

Nothing is alright, but everything will be ok.

I thank God for my health, if only to help..... even just one more day.

Prayers for all.


  1. Wow shell I can't help but to keep thinking, how much more do you have to go through?You've already been through so very much!! I so badly wish that I could be there to hug you and support you with everything that's going on as you have always done for me.I wish I had the perfect answers that would change everything and take the pain away but the only thing I know how to do is pray and encourage you to do the same as you have always encouraged me to do. It definitely sounds to me like you have already done everything and taking the right steps to handle this situation so now we just keep praying and giving it to God. I love you so dearly and I am here for you all the time anytime. I will continue keeping you and the family in my prayers I promise. ♡ huge hugs.


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