Rollercoaster Ride of Health

Well, ding dang it. (that is my catch phrase for OH SH*!)

We are back at the steep incline of this health rollercoaster ride.
Before I even get started, I need to say that I wasn't as diligent as I should have been with my grit in the teeth, dirt tasting shake. I wasn't drinking it this past month or two. My stats were so good...(was it the shakes?) and the shakes felt too filling and were bogging me down.

Daily Protein shake mix/mixed with Organic Orgain Protein. The following mixed:
Organic Beef Broth with Tumeric Protein
Golden Milk
Beet Juice Powder

I am back on it with a one month "Get your act together" from the doctor. If things don't turn around and the platelets don't break into a zillion pieces, multiply or become more than 110. We start the Western Medicine route of oh crap ;) I have them convinced that perhaps my lack of diligence, affected my numbers, because honestly I shouldn't be doing as good as I really am and the herbs are the only reason we can think of that are making the difference between textbook research and what "should be,"(besides God's Grace!)

The problem currently, is the ammonia being released from my liver is making me incredibly dizzy and discombobulated. I probably shouldn't be driving. For example, I started to drive my children to a church function, a few miles from home, and ended up across state lines in the middle of who the heck knows where. This phenomena is nothing new. This is exactly what would happen to me 15years ago when this health roller-coaster went on high speed mode..

Have I had this rare type of cirrhosis THAT long? Perhaps.

It is only evident in biopsies and ultrasounds. It comes up as a little elevated levels in blood, but nothing that would make a doctor think I was in stage 4-5 of cirrhosis. We chased symptoms forever. This eating disorder cirrhosis is an anomaly of sorts.

Well, DING DANG IT (there is my lil catch phrase...) I am having symptoms...

So, I am here to shout:
Let's hear it for knocking the symptoms out of the park! 

If I can't through herbs, teas, cleanses, activity....then we have other avenues to explore.

They once said that my liver was too far gone, but it has gotten smaller! So has my spleen and the mass on my liver has disappeared. All good news. "They say, They say......"

My doctors want me to find a level of "Acceptance." Ok, fine. I have peace, in accepting, what is, is...but not that I can't/won't/shouldn't seize every moment and make it matter.

We still have blood transfusions, transplant and other avenues if that is where this takes us.

It's a roller-coaster...for certain. My liver specialist saw my January results and was shocked at how good they were...then the next day the current results came in.... not so good. Total roller-coaster ride...I have new words that I should NEVER look up on the internet! Thrombocytopenia, Hepatic ewww! Kind of like the food you eat, if you can't pronounce it...throw it away ;)

I say, we ride this puppy, stay out of the diagnosis and into the solution. I am drinking my shakes and have a bunch of tests coming up...He is sending me to Atlanta for some tests, back to my hematologist, and even grabbing some heart tests...and my hepatologist is giving me a month or so to turn it around with herbs ;)

Now, about those future Spartan Races ;) Oh they are on, as long as I can drive. I need to get these ammonia levels at bay. I have so much more living to out loud even. Especially with my teens. (2 out of 7 left at home....) We have camping, boating, traveling, loving, soo much. I am estranged from my eldest daughter. I pray to hug her.

With the dizzyness, I have been home, gardening, meditating, writing and loving. I have a huge party with my teen daughter this weekend...a High Tea with all her friends. Her younger brother goes to an Arts School and they will be performing a play that my daughter wrote! Dinner theater and High Tea ;)
Seize the day....keep it real.


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