The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly I have been planning for weeks to be blogging about "Food Prep." I am a failure at it, and of even blogging about it. The accountability is so necessary. Now I have a blog of a whole different color. We stay in the TRUTH. I am not sure how to write this blog as I love to accentuate the positive. I truly believe we have so much say in what we think, how we feel and the choices that we make. I spent many years festering and fostering illnesses with my thinking, choices and bad behaviors. I also created hardship, heartache, fear and sometimes even terror in those who surrounded me. I have since spent many years now, making living amends through healthy living, thinking and growing to those I love and to so many who have gone before me. But, please, let me be very clear: WE DO NOT CREATE THE OUTCOME I have been blessed that healthier living has literally extended my years. I have had 4 wonderfully hard, well lived, we...