Oils, Living Space and Serenity in Healing
What? You thought my " life saving" regime existed of only diet and workout? Haha!
I GET to work out and eat because of the rest of the regime.
Today on my blog, we will be discussing the health benefits of living space, sounds, scents, essential oils for healing (no sales allowed please.)
I would like to discuss different oil combinations, in our Facebook page "Dedication to Inspiration."
Share your forms of meditation, serenity, centeredness and faith (we all have our own. I am a Christ follower.)
When one spoke of the wheel breaks or is bent, it affects the others, they follow suit and before you know it, it becomes almost useless. Maintain each spoke for complete asskickery!
Today's Blog
In the quest to save my life, I have found that my living space is just as important as working out. It is just as vital as running in nature, meditation and eating healthy.
I do spend my money on herbs, oils, vitamins, races, gym memberships. Yes, all of that adds up, but it is in NO way close to the money that I used to spend (yearly) on hospital bills, medication and loss of employment. I spent 10's of thousands of dollars yearly for many years.

Ok, the gym is the only thing that I will agree with you, on that. There are less expensive places but I truly believe you can do most exercises at home. ♥ That will be a blog for another day. Feel free to ask about it on our discussion page on Facebook!
Scented herbs are found everywhere. I truly believe in using all organic, seed to table oils. The herbs though can be found at most farmer's markets and you can make satchels of the herbs, which is less convenient but just as effective as any oil. More about the oils after the structure of balance.
First: Look at your Space. The one you are at right now. Yes, even your office space. Is it YOURS? Pictures of loved ones? Flowers, if you like? I like candles lit when reading and writing. I have some lit now. I have a home office. so I can get away with it. Do you prefer tidy? Is it? Depression and anxiety can create disorder and we can get paralyzed by it. I tidy often. It is important to MY space. We all have our own comfort zones. My first challenge to you, is for you to create YOUR space. What do you love? What delights you? Not what you think society dictates. Find your heart. Your space.
Second: Sounds I have worked in the music industry for over 30 years. I need to totally shut off my "music in-tune" ear when trying to relax. That is just me (Like everything else in this blog.) I use "Spa" sounds on Pandora. I like the sound of water, birds, nature etc. I prefer them naturally. Spring is headed our way and an open window will provide me with the sounds I need. I of course use different music while working out, or jamming in the car, or at concerts, but in my moment of prayer, meditation and often working, I listen to nature. I also love Chinese mediation music. Acupuncture was one of my favorite healing sources when I was 420 pnds and couldn't walk...I got the herbs, sounds and environment in a session. I didn't know then, it would eventually become my lifestyle.That is where I gained my fondness for the restful music. Maybe yours is loud, rock, jazz ...Find your peace.
Third: Scents. If you have no love of lavender, we might have a problem here. I mix it with pretty much everything.
I use many oils/scents for countless purposes ie: facial oils, skin care, liver cleanse, insect repellent, eczema care (children), teen angst, acne okok the list literally goes on. I do not use any OTC or western medicine in my home, unless in a dire emergency.
Aromatherapy is the purpose we are talking about here. There are many ways to scent your space. I love them all. I burn incense when the children are away. I mean, I burn a lot. I use incenses created without sawdust and fillers. They burn quicker but are worth the effort and sometimes greater cost.
I use oils in a diffuser in many areas of our home.
Our youngest daughter has loved lavender since she was a baby. When she became a teen with anxiety we got her a diffuser and she has it going right now. Her anxiety has subsided. We use eucalyptus in the shower. Just add a few drops to the tile bottom. The steam will have it rise up into a lovely spa environment. You can also add a few drops of the eucalyptus oil to a spray water bottle and spray the shower area.
The two blue bottles to the left are my go to's I need to refill them once every 3 months. They are about 3 in. tall I have no idea how many ounces they are. There are two because one is used for my face and one is used as a healing mist.
My healing oil bottle is filled with:
Thieves (if you have YL)
Before I add the water, I take a small amount and fill a small bottle for travel.
The combination of oil takes up the bottom of my bottle, about 1/2 inch. I then fill half of the bottle with purified water, to use as a body mist.
The face oil has added:
Argan Oil, Apricot Carrier Oil, and Tea Tree (one drop) Rosehip Oil and the water. It will be a bit more oily and perfect for dry skin application.
These are just MY gotos. I believe oils are another key element in the miracle I am living. I am conquering Liver disease and a terrible blood disorder.
Oils: My sister in love, actually all of them, use YoungLiving Oils. This is not an endorsement, nor commercial in any way. ( although at one point I did want a discount and have a distributor code. I like to save money! ) My sisters in love are professional estheticians and I trust them. My friends sell DoTerra and after researching I have found them to be wonderful too. My friend Mo, knows a gentleman who owns a lavender farm! Heck yes, that's the way to go. You can find what is best for you.
Aromatherapy Hints:
Please. stay away from synthetic, smell poison! Please, please, please. If you can not put the original item (Rosemary, lemon etc) into your mouth, then don't want it on your skin! Ok, that's harsh, but read the ingredients.
Do NOT drop water straight into your bath. Oil and water DO NOT mix. A heavy blob of oil can get right to your organs. Grab some oils and mix them up with Epsom salt for a lovely scented bath that will also sooth your muscles.
Be educated. This is just short blurby blog on your Space, Smells and Healing. Go research! Make sure you are being safe for your family, and your animals. What works for you might not be healthy, can actually be deadly to your animals. Cats are completely different that dogs. When we gave our babies lavender, it was off our homegrown bushes and into insulated pillows that I handmade. Please, be careful.
Toxicity in friendships, relationships, in our home, lives and the damage it does to our heath, is coming up in the next blog. Might take a few days of aromatherapy, gym, nature to get ready for that one ;)
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Have a sweet smelling, healing day!
(BTW it's spelled with a "small s" to represent the little one inside. the ~ was added because everything wants to capitalize it. There ya go!)
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