Health Update

Social Media Repost:

OMG!!! OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD....Not in taking the Lord's name in vain kinda OMG...but in exclamation of Ohhh FU*&in' AAAAAAAAAA
Again, the impossible has happened.
Doctors said it was impossible. (They have said that to me more than you can imagine.)
They said that I might be able to stop my platelets from falling but they will not get better....ever.
They started falling, every test...bit by bit... 142, 130,120,all the way down to 113...any further dropage... and funky chicken. It was getting quite scary. This isn't even about the cirrhosis.. this is my portal hypertension...blood is so thin it can't heal.
okokok...I have been on this herbal, self educated, self prescribed daily regimen. Granted, I do not take one western medicine pill, but I do take more herbs than you can fit in your mouth. I need to chew the capsules because I can not digest even the thinnest capsule. If I forget to brush my teeth after taking them...I look like I have been eating dirt. It's not pretty.
In getting all these horrific records/documentation of falling/notes ready for Vanderbilt...(No one likes facing reality if it's icky....but it's time to get everything moved over. New Years resolution anyone?) I had one last battery of blood work done yesterday to send off with me...
The results just now came in. My freaking platelets went UP higher than when we even started!!
PLATELET COUNT 168 Range: 140-400 (Collection Date: 01/11/2018)
Oh Yeah! Don't let them tell you that you are finished. Listen, learn, grow. Heal. Yes, I do have these things, but my doctor marvels at the passion I put into seizing the solutions, answers, forward momentum, in every day. He told me yesterday that it was a miracle mixed with determination and diligence.
Damn..what a legacy! He told me this after I told him that I am firing his administration (due to not getting records to folks when they need to)..That is a whole different story, but a true one.
I didn't have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for blood results this time either...nopers..I got them overnight!
Be your own advocate! We can't always get what we want. We certainly don't always like what we have to do. Fighters fight and some win by going to the next part of the journey. Some days I just rest and in that, I seize the day too.
I am so jazzed. 


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