The only opinion I will offer about current events. JULY 2020 These are my thoughts and my thoughts alone. He that promotes peace, shall enter warfare to test all theories. He that professes unity will see the painful lack of it, in isolation. He who demands kindness in others will see a fire of rage surface, alienating others, killing all kindess. We shall overcome. The trials and obstacles were Christ's, Mother Teresa's, Ghandi's, Buddha's, Martin Luther Kings and Martin Luther King Junior's and so many more. Those of the greatest achievements of peace, went through hell. Those who promote hate and division appear to be in a spiral of consequential circumstances. They are not. They are comfortable in making no change, only unrest and disorder. They appear to be knowledgeable about certain aspects of discord, yet nary a one may bring hope or peace. They will flail and flounder and only the very evil will be remembered f...