How do you cope with brutality? Devastation, violation, destruction?

How do you cope with brutality? What about devastation, violation, destruction? Feel free to let me know. Some people never see that side of life, except on the television, and nowadays it is mass produced via social media. I have seen some ugly things in my life. I have been victimized, much more than I want to discuss here. Rape, gang-rape, murder, children dying, sisters institutionalized because of victimization, later institutionalized as law breakers..Suicide of many...oh so many. The list of atrocities is truly endless it seems. I can not just sit here and write it all out... I qualify as a victorious warrior! I am the only one in my immediate family (of 7) still alive. My extended family and my lil nuclear family have seen their share of horrendous victimization too. Where is the hope and strength when the battle continues? What to do when your children are victims? Perpetrators? Potential Victims? How do we protect? How do we appl...