Happy New Year 2018 Day 1

Well, Here Goes! A friend of mine died this weekend, which counted towards the countless who left , just this year...and many more are ill. The loss this year was overwhelming. Many think it's the "age" thing, but so many were incredibly young. My young brother would have been 53 this upcoming month. The state of affairs of this world are more than most can bear. This year was one of the hardest I have ever faced. Loss of more loved ones, all of my siblings, my pets, my friends so far away, my health got so scary. It's been.... Life I have experienced amazing things this past year. The reflections take me to overwhelming gratitude. I started some heavier goals and left them aside, as I focused on what could make me "feel" better. Yes, including pretty much moving into the gym. There was a time that physical fitness needed to me my focus. It had to be my goal, to live. Then, I started robbing myself of the living while running into/away fr...